Curbing Corruption
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44. Pyman, Mark and Heywood Paul M 2024. Sector-Based Action Against Corruption – A Guide for Organisations and Professionals. Published by Palgrave Macmillan, June 2024. Free to Download.
Pyman, Mark 2023. Tackling Defence Corruption: A “Whole Sector” Approach. In Ethical Dilemmas in the Global Defence Industry, ed. Daniel Schoeni and Tobias Vestner. Oxford University Press.
43. Martinez-Rossignol, Juliette, Palmer-Moloney, Laura Jean and Pyman, Mark, 2022. Global Anticorruption Blog Guest Post: Corruption in Water Resources Management? Not Our Job Say Water-Sector Professionals.
42. Martinez-Rossignol, Juliette, Palmer-Moloney, Laura Jean and Pyman, Mark, 2022. Corruption and corruption reform in the Water Sector: How can water professionals make a dierence? A question made more urgent by climate change.
41. Martinez-Rossignol, Juliette, Palmer-Moloney, Laura Jean, 2022 Corruption and corruption reform in the Water Sector: Dirty water: Illustration of water corruption modalities from three Mexican regions.
40. Kirya, Monica 2021 Curbing corruption in Higher Education. Available online here:
39. Pyman, Mark 2021 Curbing corruption in construction, public works, and infrastructure. Available online here:
38. Pyman, Mark 2021 Curbing corruption in defence and the military. Available online here:
37. Pyman, Mark 2021 Curbing corruption in health. Available online here:
36. Pyman, Mark 2021 Curbing corruption in local government. Available online here:
35. Pyman, Mark 2021 Curbing corruption in police services. Available online here:
34. Pyman, Mark 2021 Curbing corruption in prison services. Available online here:
33. Pyman, Mark and Heywood, P 2021 BROKEN LINK : A mental model for front-line reformers. June 18, 2021. Corruption in Fragile States Blog, CJL program, The Fletcher School, Tufts University.
32. Pyman, Mark and Kaplan, Ian 2021 Curbing corruption in school education. Available online here:
31. Pyman, Mark and Vidal de la Bache, Eléonore 2021 Curbing corruption in shipping. Available online here:
30. Shipley, Tom 2021 Curbing corruption in Land. Available online here:
29. Shipley, Tom and Pyman, Mark 2021 Curbing corruption in the private sector. Available online here:
28. Tromme, Matt and Pyman, Mark 2021 Curbing corruption in fisheries. Available online here:
27. Heywood, Paul and Pyman, Mark 2020 Rethinking Corruption reform: Strategy, scale, and substance. In CurbingCorruption, December 2020, here: Also available on the ACE/Global Integrity website, here:
26. Nygren, Birgitta and Pyman, M 2020 Where are the voices of telecoms companies on anti-corruption? FCPA Blog March 23, 2020.
25. Pyman, Mark 2020. Evaluation of Norway’s Anti-Corruption Efforts as part of its Development Policy and Assistance: The Health Sector 2020. Contribution to commissioned report. Accessed April 20, 2021. Thematic Case Study: Health 2020. Annex 5.1 of the Study by NGC for Norwegian MFA, July 2020
24. Pyman, Mark 2020 Evaluation of Norway’s Anti-Corruption Efforts as part of its Development Policy and Assistance: Climate and Forestry 2020. Contribution to commissioned report. Accessed April 20, 2021. Thematic Sector Case Study Annex 5.3 Climate and Forestry, July 2020
23. Pyman, Mark 2020 International experience shows that achieving high police standards with good police morale is possible, but also strewn with failures. Curbing Corruption, June 15, 2020.
22. Pyman, Mark 2020 Redefining sectors: a more focussed approach to tackling corruption. In Graycar, Adam (ed) Handbook on Corruption, Ethics and Integrity in Public Administration, Edward Elgar. Accessed April 20, 2021, at
21. Pyman, Mark 2020 Tackling Defence Corruption: History of a ‘Whole Sector’ Approach. A working paper.
20. Pyman, Mark and Heywood, Paul 2020 The Sector Focus and Reformulation Approach (SFRA) enabling politicians, leaders, and managers to formulate practical strategies for corruption reduction. Accessed April 20, 2021. In CurbingCorruption, December 2020, here: Also available on the ACE/Global Integrity website, here:
19. Pyman, Mark 2019 Broad Anti-Corruption Programs Are the Wrong Approach. Corruption in Fragile States Blog, Fletcher School. Accessed
18. Pyman, Mark 2019 Changing corporate behaviour requires new skills and a different focus 2019. IBA Anti-Corruption conference, Paris, June 2019. 190623 Pyman IBA conference speech 2019 Changing corporate behaviour.
17. Pyman, Mark 2019 Corruption reform in the health and water sectors. Invited talk at the World Bank, Washington DC, Dec 2019. 191204 Curbing corruption in the Health and Water Sectors at World Bank 2019.
16. Pyman, Mark 2019 Curbing corruption sector by sector. Slide presentation at the seminar ‘Thinking and Working Politically’, Dec 2019, Washington DC. 191206 Pyman Curbing corruption on a sector basis TWP seminar 2019.
15. Pyman, Mark 2019 From Maersk, AEC, and Shell, inspiring stories about changing corporate behaviour. The FCPA blog, 23 July 2019. Accessed April 20, 2021.
14. Pyman, Mark 2019 New horizons in Anti-Corruption 2019. 8th Anti-Money Laundering Forum, London October 17-18, 2019.
13. Pyman, Mark 2019 Winning the war against maritime corruption. Interview with Lee Kok Leong of Maritime Fairtrade, February 25, 2019.
12. Pyman, Mark and Boamah F 2019 Usain Bolt meters: reform successes in the electricity sector can go fast, but only the failures are reported. Global Integrity Blog. Accessed April 20, 2021.
11. Bennett, Helena and Pyman M 2018 Corruption in Iran. Experience, perception and reform efforts – a literature review. Published at CurbingCorruption. Accessed April 20, 2021.
10. Pyman, Mark 2018 International Corruption Hunters Alliance. Conference Report, Copenhagen, October 2018.
9. Pyman, Mark 2018 Lessons from analysing National Anti-Corruption Strategies 2018. Speech at the International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) Copenhagen, October 2018. Here. LINK MISSING
8. Pyman, Mark 2018 More anti-corruption leadership from business, please. FCPA Blog July 31, 2018.
7. Pyman, Mark 2018 Tackling Health Sector Corruption—Five Lessons from Afghanistan. Global Anti-Corruption Blog March 29, 2018.
6. Pyman, Mark 2018 We need to talk about donors. Global Anti-Corruption Blog, January 11th, 2018.
5. Pyman, Mark, Eastwood S, Hungerford J and Elliott J 2018 Analysing the anti-corruption approaches of the 26 top-ranked countries: an opportunity for a new generation of strategies. Accessed April 20, 2021.
4. Pyman, Mark 2017 Addressing Corruption in Military Institutions, Public Integrity, 19(5), 513-528, DOI: 10.1080/10999922.2017.1285267. Accessed April 20, 2021. See pdf here.
3. Pyman, Mark 2017 A helpful response to unhelpful research. Blog Henry J Leir Institute, Tufts University, April 21, 2017. Accessed April 20, 2021. BROKEN LINK
2. Pyman, Mark 2017 The Unhelpful Nature of Anti-Corruption Research, As Seen by People Trying to Develop Solutions.BROKEN LINK Blog Henry J Leir Institute, Tufts University, Jan 24, 2017. Accessed April 20, 2021.
1. Pyman, Mark, Eastwood S, Hungerford J, and Elliott J 2017 Research comparing 41 national anti-corruption strategies. Insights and guidance for leaders. Accessed April 20, 2021.
See also (From TI-DS Chapter)
Pyman, Mark 2008 Anti-Corruption and Zero Tolerance. Keynote speech to the European Busines Ethics Forum (EBEF), January 2008. 201012 Pyman EBEF speech 2008 Anti-corruption policies and zero tolerance
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